After a very short stint from 1928 to 1929, the German edition of Vogue has been published monthly since 1979. Angelica Blechschmidt worked as art director alongside various changing editors-in-chief before finally taking the helm in 1989. Blechschmidt, herself a very glamorous appearance, always on high heels, in little black designer dresses, with flamboyant jewelry and a silver streak in her backcombed hair, transformed the German Vogue of the 1990s into a sophisticated and highly aesthetic magazine, always with a glamorous and humorous twist, featuring the best creators and thinkers from all areas of the creative industries and reporting not only on fashion but also on other areas of living a stylish life, such as interior design, travel and culture. Angelica Blechschmidt's Vogue brims with joie de vivre and positivity and is one of the best international editions in the history of the magazine.